- 3D / 4D Ultrasound
- Anesthesia Monitors
- Anesthesia Workstations
- Autoclaves / Sterilizers
- BioZ Machines / ICG Monitor
- Bladder Scanners
- Blanket and Fluid Warmers
- Blood Analyzers
- Blood Pressure Monitors
- Bone Densitometers
- Cosmetic Laser
- Cryosurgical
- CT Scanners
- Dental Equipment
- Doppler Systems
- EKG / ECG Machines
- Electrosurgical System and Units
- Endoscopes
- Face Mask
- Fetal Monitors
- Holter Systems
- Human Anatomy Models
- Incubators / Isolettes
- Industrial Digital Microscopes
- Infusion Pumps
- Mammography Machines
- Medical Audiometers & Tympanometers
- Microscopes
- MRI Machines
- Operating Lamp
- Operating Table
- Patient Monitors
- Portable Ultrasound Machines
- Power Wheelchairs
- Pulse Oximeters
- Spirometers
- Stress Test EKGs
- Tonometer
- Ultrasound Machines
- Ultrasound Probes / Transducers
- Video Microscope Technology
- Vision Screeners
- X-Ray Machine
- Medical Ventilators
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Human Anatomy Models
1/2 Life Size Dual Sex Muscular Model
Features: 5 Arm/shoulder muscles 8 Leg/hip muscles 2-Part heart 2-Part brain 2 Lungs 2-Part male and 2-part female genital inserts 2-Part intestine system Detachable breast/belly covering and arms for detailed study Almost 400 hand-numbered and identified structures Specifications: 33.6in x 12in x 12in 12 lbs..
Anatomical Eye In Orbit Model
Removable Features: Upper half of the sclera with tear system and eye muscle attachmentsChoroid LensVitreous humourOptic nerve M. rectus superiorM. rectus lateralis Specifications: 10.2in x 11.8in (orbit), 1.9in x 11.8in (eyeball), 1.9in (muscle attachment)1.1 lbs Manufacturer warranty: 3 years..
Asian Dual-Sex Torso Model
Features: Head2 Lungs2-Part heartStomachLiver with gall bladder2-Part intestinal tractFront half of kidney 3-Part female genital insert with embryo4-Part male genital insert Specifications: 34in x 15.2in x 10in 15 lbs Manufacturer warranty: one year..
Birthing Simulator Model
Features: Female pelvisCovered belly cavityRemovable vulvaFetusAnatomically accurateDelivered on baseboard Specifications: 12in x 22in x 22in 15 lbs Manufacturer warranty: one year...
Clinical Anatomical Breast Trainer
Features: Five identifiable anatomical anomalies Fluid filled cyst for aspiration and palpation 2 Palpable lumps on the lateral side of the breast Lumps are approximately 1 cm and 1.5cm diameterInfection in armpit in axilla region Lump in tissue above the clavicle Modular design for simple replacement of skin, cyst, lump axilliary gland Skin detac..
Deluxe Anatomical Arm Model
Features: RadiusUlnaScapulaClavicleDepict muscles nerves, and arteries of shoulderStand included Specifications: 33.4in x 13.2in x 11in5 lbs..
Deluxe Anatomical Leg Model
Features: Depicts all major muscles and nerves of the hip, knee and foot Hip articulation shown with a capsule Femur can be removed Bucket Handle tear depicted on knee Physiological movement Specifications: 40in x 16in x 12in 15 lbs..
Deluxe Asian Dual-Sex Torso Model
Features: 2-Part head Brain half Sternocleidomastoideus muscle 6-Part muscle arm (detachable: deltoid muscle, biceps muscle of arm, triceps muscle of arm, long palmar muscle with radial flexor muscle of wrist, brachioradial muscle with radial extensor muscle of wrist) Upper leg stump 2-Part lower leg (detachable: gastrocnemius muscle) Chest/..
Deluxe Demonstration Skull w/ Display Case
Features: The skullcap is removable and the base of skull is mid-sagitally divided. The skull also features a frontal sinus, perpendicular lamina and vomer that are fitted with flaps that can be opened to view the lateral nose wall and sphenoidal sinus. On the left half of the skull, the temporal bone can be removed and folded up in the area..
Diadactic Deluxe Skull
Features: Our bones look real, have an absolutely natural feel and almost exactly the weight of a natural boneThis worldwide unique and high quality didactic skull will leave no questions in the study of skull anatomy unansweredThe possibility to transfer the structures visible on the transparent half to the bony half give this skull a special ..